Working Girls Press

Working Girls Press, founded in 2023 by Molly B Simmons and Emily Marie Passos Duffy, is set to release their inaugural issue, “The Holy Hour: An Anthology on Sex Work, Magic, and the Divine.”  The edition will be available as an ebook as well as a paperback. “The Holy Hour: An Anthology on Sex Work, Magic, and the Divine,” is a multi-media collection of art and writing by sex workers that explores themes of divinity, magical practice as well as the sacred. This work features pieces from 45 different workers in a variety of formats – poetry, prose, nonfiction essays, flash fiction, photography, digital collage, and more. Kim Ye’s essay “Holy Shit” is included in this seminal anthology on the intersections of sex work and religiosity.

100 dollar bills cover a surface, and atop the bills is a paperback copy of "The Holy Hour An Anthology on Sex Work, Magic, and the Divine"

Working Girls Press is dedicated to collaboratist and collectivist publishing methods. Using their platform, Working Girls Press amplifies the writing and art of sex workers through publishing, promoting, and supporting their work.