Category Archives: 2011

Around the Dinner Table
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Around the Dinner Table functions as an installation for collective performance. The above documentation is taken from a performance at the Getty Center in October of 2011. HOW IT WORKS: A banquet table is stocked with an abundance of food. There is a single chair at the table. A camera faces the chair. Behind the camera […]
Categories: 2011, EVERYTHING, performances, things, work • Tags: documentation, Getty Center, Pacific Standard Time, Participatory

Los Angeles Road Concerts
by admin
Los Angeles Road Concerts September 18, 2011 Los Angeles Road Concerts presents a showing of site-specific projects from over 100 Los Angeles artists in unused public outdoor spaces along the entire length of Sunset Boulevard’s 24 miles, from Downtown to the Pacific Ocean. For one day, artists will perform works, display installations, facilitate car pool […]
Categories: 2011, event or performance, EVERYTHING, news, performances, work

Ultimate Match
by admin
Ultimate Match (video component), 60-second commercial spot | In collaboration with Jeff Jenkins
Categories: 2011, EVERYTHING, performances, things, vids, work

The Life of Objects [Phase 1-3]
by admin
The Life of Objects [phases 1-3] Why does the becoming of a Christmas tree involve such a degree of pomp and circumstance, while its ending is treated with the irreverence of a chore? A loaded signifier that takes its place at the center of family gatherings is discarded in the same manner as common houshold […]
Categories: 2011, EVERYTHING, performances, things, work • Tags: documentation, installation, Mojave desert, permanent installation, UCLA, Wonder Valley

by admin
Categories: 2011, EVERYTHING, things, work • Tags: Los Angeles, MFA, UCLA

Honey, Milk, and Blood
by admin
MicroTextual curated by Aron Kallay featuring Honey, Milk, and Blood a performance collaboration between Kim Ye & Isaac Schankler April 16, 2011 | 8:00pm 5772 W. Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90019
Categories: 2011, event or performance, EVERYTHING, news, performances, things, work • Tags: aron kallay, isaac schlankler, microfest, microtextual

Gold Digging
by admin
Categories: 2011, EVERYTHING, things, work • Tags: found material, hanging sculpture, Kim Ye, rope, sculpture, UCLA