Awkward Threesome
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Awkward Threesome Christine Wang | Kim Ye | Raphael Noz June 26 – August 1, 2015 Alter Space 1158 Howard St San Francisco CA 94103 Opening & Performance: June 26th, 2015 | 7-10p Awkward Threesome is an exhibition that features new work in painting, performance, and sculpture by Christine Wang, Kim Ye, and Raphael Noz. Challenging […]
Categories: 2015, 3 person exhibition, appearances, event or performance, group exhibition, news • Tags: alter space, Art Scene, Awkward Threesome, Christine Wang, Contemporary art San Francisco, Double Portrait, Kevin Kruger, Kim Ye, Performance art San Francisco, Raphael Noz, san francisco Alter Space, SoMa San Francisco, Stormy Leather