Fellowship: Stanford 2023-2024 CCSRE Mellon Arts Fellow
Kim Ye has been elected to join Stanford University’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity 2023-2024 Mellon Arts Fellowship cohort. Kim Ye will join an extraordinary pool of artists and art practitioners committed to the artistic lives of communities of color from across California. Other 2023-2024 CCSRE Mellon Arts fellows include Rodrigo Reyes […]
Categories: 2023, EVERYTHING, Grant, news • Tags: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Brown, CCSRE, Centering Race Consortium, CRC, Fellowship, IDA, Institute for Diversity in the Arts at Stanford, Kim Ye, Stanford, Stanford university, Stanford University's Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity 2023-2024 Mellon Arts Fellowship, University of Chicago, Yale