Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities
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The foreigner lives within us: he is the hidden face of our identity, the space that wrecks our abode, the time in which understanding and affinity founder. The ‘foreigner’ then is something hidden in ourselves, something with the potential to destroy ‘home’ and something that is beyond ‘understanding’ or relations with each other. —Strangers to […]
Categories: 2017, EVERYTHING, group exhibition, news • Tags: Ann Le, art exhibit immigrant artists, Camella DaEun Kim, curator camella daeun kim, Curator LAB, Curator LAB FOCA, fellows of contemporary art, Fellows of Contemporary art LA, fellows of contemporary art Los Angeles, foca, FOCA los angeles, Gelare Khoshgozaran, Jenny Donaire, Jimena Sarno, Kim Ye, kim ye sculpture, Kyungmi Shin, Los Angeles immigrant art show, Noriko Fujinami, Tressa Miller, Ying Ting Han, Yoshie Sakai