Home LA: Venice
by Zac Chen
HomeLA produces site-specific interdisciplinary performance events in private residences. This Venice iteration takes place at the long-time canal-side home of Mark Mack and Faiza Alhassoun, and features the work of artists Young Joon Kwak & Kim Ye, Emily Marchand, Jobel Medina, Flora Wiegmann & Maya Gurantz, and Stephanie Dai. This HomeLA event explores the intersection […]
Categories: 2023, collaboration, event or performance, EVERYTHING, news, press • Tags: Architecture, Dance, Emily Marchand, Faiza Alhassoun, Flora Wiegmann, HomeLA, Jobel Medina, Kim Ye, Mark Mack, Matrilineal Ambivalences (in Venice), Maya Gurantz, Performance, performance art, Public and private space, Rites of Matrilineal Dissent, Site-specific performance, Stephanie Dai, venice beach, Young Joon Kwak, Young Joon Kwak & Kim Ye