Mutant Salon performance | Hammer Museum
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The Hammer Museum presents Mutant Salon’s Festival De Las Muertas, a performance and art festival that will engage audiences through a mutant beauty parlor, performances, happenings, music, poetry readings, and a selection of zines by members of the extended Mutant Salon community of queer, trans, womyn, POC, and mutant artists and performers. Collectively, these artists […]
Categories: 2016, event or performance, EVERYTHING, news • Tags: Ciriza, Crasslos, Dove A., Elliot Reed Laboratories, Festival de las muertas, Haircuts by Marvin Astorga, Hammer Museum, Hammer Museum westwood Kim Ye, Ijlal, January Parkos Arnall, Jasmine Nyende, Jeepneys & White Boy Scream, Jeffzilla Presents Death Became Her, kim ye Festival De Las Muertas, Kim Ye Hammer performance, Kim Ye Mutant Salon, La Porscha, Marvin Astorga, Mutant Salon, Mutant Salon Festival de las Muertas, Oscar Santos, POC artists Los Angeles, Project Rage Queen, Project Rage Queen & Ijlal, Queer artists Los Angeles, San Cha y Las Sirenas, Sarah Gail Armstrong, The Hammer museum, Wampum, Young Joon Kwak