7 Minutes in Hell | a LUNAR PERFORMANCE
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Sartre says hell is other people, but Freud insists that’s just a projection. Performance goes so deep these days that we forget that we sit in the audience of our own life-show. We cross paths in the closet, elevator, booth, gloryhole, dark alley, transient half-formed space, and I become your audience of one–acting as your […]
Categories: 2017, event or performance, EVERYTHING, news • Tags: 7 minutes in hell, Ali Kheradyar, don elder, Elevator Monday, Georgia Lassner, Kim Ye, Kim Ye 7 minutes in Hell, Kim Ye Elevator Monday, Kim Ye LA, Kim Ye Los Angeles Performance, Kim Ye performance, kim Ye seven minutes in hell, LA Lunar Performance, LA performance 2017, Lara Salmon, Los Angeles Elevator Monday, Los Angeles performance, Los Angeles performance art, Lunar performance, Maiden LA, maidenLA, seven minutes in hell