Matrilineal Ambivalences
Matrilineal Ambivalences is a new performance by Multi-disciplinary artists and performers Young Joon Kwak and Kim Ye that continues their series of collaborative performances Rites of Matrilineal Dissent (2015 – ongoing). Kwak and Ye reprise their roles as “Baby Girl” and “Mommy,” enacting their dissent to harmful notions of womanhood and femininity, and emergence from […]
Categories: 2022, collaboration, EVERYTHING, performances, vids, work • Tags: AAPI Performance Artists, Angela Washko, Asian American performance art, Carnegie Mellon University College of Fine Arts, Fail-Safe: Los Angeles x Pittsburgh, Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Jesse Stiles, Kelly strayhorn theater, Matrilineal Ambivalences, National Endowment for the Arts, Performance artist Los Angeles, Pittsburgh performance art, Scott Andrew, Young Joon Kwak, Young Joon Kwak and Kim Ye