Fellowship: Stanford 2023-2024 CCSRE Mellon Arts Fellow

On a rainbow background, the words "CENTER FOR COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RACE & ETHNICITY" are written in white.

Kim Ye has been elected to join Stanford University’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity 2023-2024 Mellon Arts Fellowship cohort. Kim Ye will join an extraordinary pool of artists and art practitioners committed to the artistic lives of communities of color from across California. Other 2023-2024 CCSRE Mellon Arts fellows include Rodrigo Reyes and Isaiah Phillips.

Kim Ye will receive a $25,000  stipend for the 9-month fellowship from September 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. Additionally, they will be granted the opportunity to be part of a community of fellow artists, scholars, and practitioners on campus; Introductions to Stanford faculty, students, and staff with shared or complementary interests; Access to Stanford libraries; An opportunity to show or present work on campus in collaboration with IDA or one of the Stanford arts venues; And up to an additional $7000 for reimbursement of travel and expenses.

The 2023-2024 CCSRE Mellon Arts Fellowship will be administered in close partnership with the Institute for Diversity in the Arts at Stanford (IDA). IDA is an interdisciplinary program that supports visionary arts leadership by stewarding the power of the arts toward social justice. The fellowship is made possible by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of the Centering Race Consortium (CRC), a multi-university partnership between Stanford, Brown, University of Chicago, and Yale.