VICE on Femmebit Triennial

Femmebit is a curated festival featuring the most current and relevant work in the field of video art and new media— uniting an all-female roster of artists working in Los Angeles. The event will include livestream broadcasts of special programs including panels and workshops, and an onsite VR exhibition with live VR-streaming. The program features a 3-day showcase at HRLA, as well as the inclusion of participating satellite venues around Los Angeles.

Human Resources Los Angeles (HRLA)
November 18-20, 2016

*Read the VICE article on Femmebit’s inaugural edition*

Featuring work by: 
Alex Brown
Alex Pelly
Amanda Joy
Ann Hirsch
Annapurna Kumar
Camella Kim
Eva Aguila
Giselle Zatonyl
The Institute For New Feeling
Jane Chang Mi
JJ Stratford
Julieta Gil
Julie Weitz
Kate Parsons
Kristel Brinshot
Rachel Mason
Sarah Manuwal
Sarah Zucker
Suzy Poling
Yo-Yo Lin
Kate Hollenbach
Hsin Yu Lin
Eileen Cowin
Claire Marie Vogel
Jenny Sayaka Nono
Shelley Holcomb
Laura Darlington
Danielle Parsons
Mitra Saboury
Maria Lynch
Casey Kauffmann
Kim Ye and Veronique d’Entremont
Amanda Siegel
…and more

With support from: 
Electric Objects